
May 28-29, 2025 | Bologna, italy

Workshop on Open Citations
& Open Scholarly Metadata 2025


We invite to the Workshop Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata (WOOC) researchers, scholarly publishers, funders, policy makers, institutions, and open citations advocates, interested in the widespread adoption of practises for creation, sharing, reuse and improvement of open scholarly metadata.

This year edition of the workshop will gravitate around the following theme:

"Open Access of Research Information"

In particular, the first day will be dedicated to the Bologna Meeting on Open Research Information, to encourage discussion between the signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration and other interested bodies and collaboratively orient the common roadmap, thus allowing the articulation of the outcomes that have recently been discussed during the Paris Conference on Open Research Information.

The second day will be dedicated to invited contributions, presentations and a poster session selected among the participants in the call for contributions on the workshop theme.

The participation to both the days of WOOC 2025 is open to everyone, and in particular OpenCitations and the WOOC organizing committee aim to welcome the signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration, and anyone interested in Open Research Information in an interactive event that aspires to encourage the incubation of ideas to strategically orienting the development of practices in open research information.

The Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025 will be organized in the spaces of the University of Bologna, one of the signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information and CoARA, of which it is also leader of the CoARA National Chapter.

A small fee will be charged for participation (details to be announced soon)



If you wish to participate in the Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025 as an attendee, please fill in the form by providing the requested information and a short bio to apply for the event. You will receive a notification of acceptance by 20 February 2025. In case of oversubscriptions, the organisers will select attendees from among those who have applied.

If you wish to submit a proposal to the Workshop of Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata 2025, please fill in both the first part and the second part of the application form to submit a contribution that fits this year's theme "Open Access of Research Information". The organizing committee will decide if the selected submissions will involve either a talk of 15-minute duration, with a 5-minute discussion following, or a poster presentation accompanied by a 2-3 minute pitch talk. The workshop day dedicated to the presentation of the selected contributions will be May 29. Take into consideration the selection criteria, and submission/author guidelines listed under.

Selection Criteria
  • Relevance to the workshop theme
  • Methodological rigor and depth of elaboration
  • Interest and potential for interdisciplinary engagement
  • Impact and broader implications
Submission guidelines
  • Contributions should be submitted in the form of a long abstract, ranging between 1250 and 1500 words.
  • Accepted contributions will be limited to one presentation or poster per author. Similarly, we aim to avoid more than one presentation on a single initiative/project.
  • Only submissions in English will be considered.
  • Make sure that you have approval from your institution to participate in the conference at the latest when the results are announced.
  • All submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
  • Each accepted abstract will be published as conference paper with dedicated DOI under the WOOC-2025 community on Zenodo (
  • Selected contributions will be returned to the authors for the re-editing phase, formatted as a pre-compiled template in ODT format.
Author guidelines
  • Word Count: Ensure your abstract stays within the specified limit of 1250–1500 words (including references).
  • Structure: Start with the full title of your abstract, followed immediately by the names and affiliations of all authors. Organize the content into clear sections, for instance: “Purpose”, “Methods”, “Results”, and “Value” to provide a logical and coherent flow of information.
  • Language: Write in English (either US or UK spelling is acceptable). Use clear, concise language to present your work, and ensure the text is free from grammatical errors and typos before submission.
  • References: References can be included to provide context or support for the findings. All references must adhere to APA style.

Application deadline: January 13 January 31, 2025
Notification of acceptance (participation only): February 20, 2025
Notification deadline (contributions): March 10 March 21, 2025

All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

Apply for WOOC-2025

Fees and expenses: for the accepted attendees and contributors, we will request a small registration fee around €200 (exact amount to be announced). We will provide lunches and refreshments on all days, and a free workshop dinner on Wednesday 28 May.

Invited Speakers

Arianna Becerril-García

Redalyc | AmeliCA | Autonomous University of the State of Mexico

Katherine Skinner

Director of Programs, IOI

Our organisers

Silvio Peroni

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Chiara Di Giambattista

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Claudio Fabbri

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Ivan Heibi

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Ludo Waltman

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University

Bianca Kramer

Sesame Open Science

Cameron Neylon

COKI | Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University

Program Committee

Ivan Heibi (Chair)

University of Bologna

Sebastian Barzaghi

University of Bologna

John Chodacki

California Digital Library

Giovanni Colavizza

University of Copenhagen | University of Bologna

Angelo Di Iorio

University of Bologna

Bianca Kramer

Sesame Open Science

Catriona MacCallum

Future of Scholarly Research

Andrea Mannocci


Arcangelo Massari

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Philipp Mayr

Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Arianna Moretti

University of Bologna

Valentina Pasqual

University of Bologna

Silvio Peroni

OpenCitations | University of Bologna

Francesco Poggi

University of Bologna

Iratxe Puebla

Make Data Count, DataCite

Matteo Romanello

University of Zurich

Angelo Salatino

Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University

Gianmarco Spinaci

University of Bologna

Sahar Vahdati

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Ludo Waltman

CWTS, Leiden University
Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata
Barcelona Declaration

the venue

Welcome to Bologna

The University of Bologna is the oldest university in the western world, and one of the largest universities in Italy (with about 90,000 enrolled students).

The workshop will take place at the University of Bologna, in the heart of the city, in two different venues.

Day 1 will take place at the Plesso Belmeloro, Via Beniamino Andreatta, 8, Room "C".

Day 2 will take place at the Department of History, Cultures, and Civilization (italian translation: Dipartimento di Storia, Culture e Civiltà), Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte, 2, Room "Aula Prodi".

From the train station you can either walk to reach both the venues (20’/30') or take a bus by checking you route on the local public transport Tper website ( (click on the “Google Maps” suggestion if the online map gives no results).

Get to Bologna

The airport “Guglielmo Marconi” is located at 15-20 minutes by car from the city centre. A direct train, Marconi Express, leaves regularly from the Airport for Bologna Central Rail Station. The trip costs 11€. A taxi costs about 20€ (call a taxi at 0039 051 372727).


The organizers are negotiating with local hotels for rooms to be reserved and made available at special rates for participants. Check the Hotels in Bologna.

About the location

Bologna is home to numerous prestigious cultural, economic and political institutions as well as one of the most impressive trade fair districts in Europe. In 2000 it was declared European capital of culture, and in 2006, a UNESCO "city of music". Bologna’s porticoes have been listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2021.

For any enquiry

contact us

Contact Info

Where to Find Us

via Zamboni, 32 (first floor) | Bologna, BO | 40126 Italy

Any Doubt?

open an issue on github!